Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Homecoming by Bruce Dawe Essay -- Poem Poetry Poet Bruce Dawe Home Com

Homecoming by Bruce Dawe The poem Homecoming originates from Bruce Dawe. Its journey depicts the aspects of war and its devastations upon human individuals. Using mainly the Vietnam war as a demonstration for its destructions.Within this poem Bruce Dawe dramatizes the homecoming of Australian veterans bodies from Vietnam. This is clearly an anti-war poem, reproducing the sentiments of those who opposed the time when this war occurred. The poem starts of in what seems to be a monotone. With many simple verbs such as picking... bringing.... rolling ... whining... are used to depicts how geezerhood after days, it is all the same. The bodies of the soldiers, days after days are all monotonously follow the same routine and cosmos treated in a somewhat a seemingly chilliness and offhanded way. These simple words are repetitive they aim to kick upstairs the effect of imprinting a strong image at bottom the readers? ocular imagination of the relentless pace. Forcing the readers into feeling this great injustice for these soldiers who have sacrificed their lives for their country, within the war. Yet their bodies are treated no less than animals, following a strict routine of piling up in trucks, convoys, tagging them, giving them names, and embarkment them onto the jets so they can finally return to their beloved home. This is their homecoming. The tone of this grouchy poem is apparent here. Within the title itself ?Homecoming? is irony. When homecoming is verbalize of, an image of happi...

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